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Adding Accelerated Checkout Buttons to Smart Cart
Adding Accelerated Checkout Buttons to Smart Cart

Enabling the Accelerated Checkout Option for Smart Cart

Christian Sokolowski avatar
Written by Christian Sokolowski
Updated over a week ago

Accelerated checkout is a feature that allows customers to quickly and easily complete their purchases on your Rebuy store. By enabling this feature, you can improve the overall shopping experience for your customers and potentially increase your sales. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to enable accelerated checkout in the Rebuy admin portal.

What is Accelerated Checkout (Shopify Definition)?

Accelerated or express checkouts save customer payment and shipping information so that returning customers can more quickly complete payment for their orders. When a customer returns to a store that offers an accelerated checkout method, their information is automatically filled in at checkout.

Some accelerated checkout methods can use dynamic checkout buttons on product pages. By using dynamic checkout buttons, customers can skip the cart and go directly to the checkout from the product page, using the selected accelerated checkout method. Learn how to show dynamic checkout buttons on your online store.

You can activate accelerated checkout buttons on your Shopify checkout for Shop Pay and for other payment providers that offer the options, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, and PayPal. To learn more about PayPal's accelerated checkout options, refer to supported PayPal providers.

โ€‹According to Shopify, Shop Pay increases checkout speed by 4x and checkouts going through Shop Pay have an average checkout-to-order rate of 1.72x times higher than those going through regular checkouts, meaning more Revenue for your store!

If you sell subscription products, then accelerated payment methods and wallets such as Apple Pay, PayPal Express, Shop Pay, and Google Pay can be used at some stores.


Accelerated Payment methods are currently available if you are using our Smart Cart. To set up your Smart Cart, view this help doc.

How to Enable Accelerated Checkout in Smart Cart

Step 1: Log into Shopify Admin

The first step to enabling accelerated checkout is to login to the Shopify admin.

Step 2: Navigate to a theme you'd like to add accelerated checkout buttons to

Accelerated Checkout Buttons are enabled on a per-theme basis. Test this out in a duplicate theme first if you don't want to add the code to your live theme. You can access your Shopify theme files by going to your online store settings within the Shopify admin portal, clicking the horizontal ellipsis, and clicking "edit code." Once you are on the edit code screen you can search for your theme.liquid.

Step 3: Copy the code snippet

{% if additional_checkout_buttons %}
<style>.additional-checkout-buttons {display: none; width: 100%;}</style>
<div class="additional-checkout-buttons additional-checkout-buttons--vertical">
{{ content_for_additional_checkout_buttons }}
{% endif %}

Step 4: Paste the snippet into your theme.liquid

Place the code snippet in your theme.liquid, just before the closing </body> tag.

That's it! You have now successfully enabled the Accelerated Checkout feature on the Smart Cart. You can navigate to your store to see the Accelerated Checkout in action as seen in the above screenshot.


We also have a Shop Pay option that can be enabled for Smart Cart. You can find the directions on how to accomplish that in this article.

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