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Glossary of Common Terms & Acronyms

Check out this article to learn the Rebuy lingo so you can better understand the platform!

Christian Sokolowski avatar
Written by Christian Sokolowski
Updated over a week ago

The purpose of this article is to assist Rebuy users in comprehending the e-commerce platform's jargon, which can be perplexing and hinder a thorough understanding of the concepts. By dissecting the terms that users may encounter when using Rebuy, this article aims to provide a reference that can be consulted while implementing the platform on their website.

Cross-sells and Upsells


Cross-selling is a sales technique that involves recommending complementary or additional products to a customer who is considering purchasing a particular item. The idea behind cross-selling is to encourage customers to buy more items and increase the average order value.

For example, when a customer is buying a laptop, an e-commerce website may suggest that they also consider purchasing a laptop bag, a mouse, or a warranty. These suggested items are related to the original purchase and are intended to complement or enhance the customer's experience with the primary product.

Cross-selling is a common practice in e-commerce and is often facilitated by algorithms that analyze customer purchase data and make recommendations based on previous buying patterns. By providing customers with relevant product suggestions, e-commerce companies can increase sales and improve the overall shopping experience.


an upsell is a sales technique in which a seller persuades a customer to purchase a more expensive or upgraded version of the product they are interested in, or additional products that complement their original purchase. The goal of an upsell is to increase the overall value of the customer's purchase and maximize revenue for the seller.

An upsell can be presented to a customer in various ways, such as a pop-up window, or a personalized recommendation based on the customer's browsing or purchasing history. It is important to note that an upsell should always provide additional value to the customer and should not feel like a pushy sales tactic. Effective upselling requires a deep understanding of the customer's needs and preferences, and the ability to suggest relevant products or upgrades that meet those needs.

Native Cart and Smart Carts

Native Cart:

The Shopify native cart refers to the built-in shopping cart functionality that is included with all Shopify e-commerce websites. The cart is the virtual container that holds items that a customer intends to purchase from an online store.

Smart Cart:

Rebuy's Smart Cart is a marketing tool designed for e-commerce businesses using Shopify. Smart Cart is highly customizable and can be tailored to your specific needs using a no-code, low-code, or custom code approach.

It replaces the default cart experience of your custom or Shopify theme with a flyout cart that offers a range of features to improve shopping conversion, average order value (AOV), and customer lifetime value (LTV).


A Rebuy Widget is our proprietary tool that can be installed on an e-commerce website to enhance customer engagement and drive repeat purchases. These widgets are a fundamental part of the Rebuy platform and are responsible for many of its features. They can be installed automatically or manually, and can be customized to suit the specific needs of the store owner.

Rebuy Widgets can be installed on any page of an e-commerce website, but are typically placed on specific pages such as product pages or checkout pages. They are highly versatile and can be modified to display various types of information, including recommendations for related products, upsell offers, and subscription options.

For example, a Rebuy Recommend (AI) Cross-sell widget may be installed on a product page to suggest additional items that complement the product being viewed. Similarly, a Rebuy Subscription Upsell widget may be placed on the checkout page to encourage customers to sign up for a subscription service.

In either case, the Rebuy Widget provides a visual element that enhances the customer's shopping experience and encourages them to make additional purchases. Additionally, these widgets can be customized to match the look and feel of the website and provide a seamless user experience.

Our widgets are a powerful tool if you are looking to increase customer engagement and drive revenue. They offer a flexible and customizable way to display relevant information to customers and encourage them to make repeat purchases.

Preview and Live Mode

Testing and quality assurance are essential steps before deploying any changes or features to a live e-commerce website. The Rebuy platform provides a way to test widgets and features without affecting the live site through the use of the "Live Mode" and "Preview Mode" options.

By toggling the "Live Mode" switch off to "Preview Mode," users can make changes and test widgets without impacting the live site. In Preview Mode, widgets are hidden from customers, and only authorized users can see them. This way, users can test different configurations, make changes, and ensure that everything is working correctly before going live.

Preview Mode allows users to see how widgets will appear and function without affecting the customer experience. They can check to make sure the widgets are displaying correctly, the layout is consistent, and there are no functional errors. If any issues are found, they can make changes, and test again until everything is working as expected.

Once everything has been tested thoroughly, users can toggle the switch back to "Live Mode," and the widgets will be deployed to the live site. This ensures that customers are not impacted by any testing or changes made during the development process.

Data Source, Ruleset, and Rule:

In the Rebuy platform, a Data Source is a crucial component that controls the business logic of a Rebuy Feature. Once attached to a widget, a Data Source helps perform the intended behavior of the widget. It accomplishes this by utilizing a set of rules called a "ruleset" to determine what should be recommended to the customer.

Each ruleset can contain one or more rules, which are used to set conditions and perform logic to determine the recommended products or services. For example, a rule might specify that a certain product should be recommended if the customer has previously purchased a related product or spent a certain amount of money.

Consider an example scenario where an e-commerce website sells coffee and related products. The website owner wants to encourage customers to purchase a monthly coffee subscription service. To achieve this, they might use a Rebuy Widget with a Data Source that has a ruleset specifically designed for coffee subscriptions.

One rule in the ruleset might specify that if a customer has previously purchased a specific type of coffee, they should be recommended a subscription service that includes that type of coffee. Another rule might specify that if a customer has made multiple coffee-related purchases within a certain time frame, they should be recommended a subscription service with a discount.

By using a Data Source with a ruleset, the Rebuy Widget can intelligently recommend products or services that are tailored to the customer's needs and preferences. This can increase customer loyalty, drive repeat business, and ultimately boost revenue for the e-commerce website.

Subscription and One-time Purchases


a subscription order refers to a recurring purchase of a specific product or set of products on a scheduled basis. This can be set up by customers who wish to receive regular deliveries of a product without having to manually place an order each time. Merchants can offer subscription services as a way to increase customer loyalty and generate predictable revenue.

For example, a customer might subscribe to a monthly delivery of a hot sauce product, which is set to automatically renew and be purchased on the same day each month. This would be managed through a subscription service, which can be facilitated using a Rebuy "Switch to Subscription" offer.

When a customer activates or purchases a subscription through this offer, they will receive the product(s) on a predetermined schedule, such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc. The subscription can be modified or canceled at any time, giving customers flexibility and control over their recurring orders.

You can benefit from offering subscription services as it allows for more predictable revenue streams and can increase customer loyalty. By leveraging a Rebuy widget, merchants can offer targeted and personalized subscription options to customers based on their past purchases and preferences.


a one-time order refers to a product or set of products that are purchased once and only once. This differs from a subscription order, where a customer sets up a recurring purchase of the same product on a scheduled basis.

For example, a customer might purchase a bottle of hot sauce as a one-time order, without setting up a subscription to receive regular deliveries of the same product. This type of purchase is managed through a Rebuy widget, which allows customers to add products to their cart and checkout for a one-time purchase.

While a customer may also have a subscription for the same product, the one-time purchase will not be repeated with the subscription when it's time for the subscription renewal. This means that the customer will need to manually add the one-time purchase product to their cart again if they wish to purchase it alongside their subscription.

By offering both one-time and subscription purchase options, you can cater to a wider range of customer needs and preferences. Rebuy widgets can be used to facilitate both types of purchases, allowing customers to easily select the products they want and complete their transactions in a streamlined and convenient manner.

Churn and Reactivation


In the context of e-commerce and subscription services, a churned customer is a customer who has deactivated or cancelled their subscription to a particular product or service. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as changes in the customer's needs, budget constraints, or dissatisfaction with the product or service.

When a customer churns, it means that they will no longer be making regular purchases of the subscription product. This can be a challenge for merchants who rely on subscription revenue as a key component of their business model. Churned customers represent lost revenue, and merchants must work to minimize churn in order to maintain stable and predictable revenue streams.

One way to reduce churn is by implementing strategies to increase customer retention. This can include offering incentives to customers who remain subscribed, providing exceptional customer service and support, and regularly engaging with customers to understand their needs and preferences.

Rebuy widgets can be used to help reduce churn by offering personalized and targeted subscription options to customers based on their purchase history and preferences. By leveraging data analytics and machine learning algorithms, Rebuy can help merchants identify customers who are at risk of churning and offer them customized offers and incentives to encourage them to continue their subscriptions.


Reactivation campaigns can be a powerful tool to encourage customers to reactivate their subscription. The goal of these campaigns is to provide customers with an incentive to re-subscribe and to remind them of the benefits of the product or service they subscribed to.

Rebuy has integrations with third party reactivation campaign tools which can be customized to target specific customer segments based on their previous purchase behavior and preferences. For example, customers who cancelled their subscription due to price concerns may be targeted with a discount or promotional offer, while customers who cancelled due to product dissatisfaction may be targeted with a product improvement or satisfaction guarantee.

Reactivation campaigns can be delivered through a variety of channels, including email, SMS, push notifications, and more. These campaigns can be automated and personalized, allowing merchants to deliver targeted offers to customers at the right time and through the right channel.

Shopify X vs Rebuy X:

As a platform, we have developed a unique set of features and tools that may overlap with terminology used by other platforms and integrations. To ensure clarity and avoid confusion, we prefix our features and terms with "Rebuy." Here are some more examples of this naming convention:

  • Shopify Theme & Rebuy Theme

  • Shopify Cart & Rebuy Cart

  • Shopify Script & Rebuy Script

Advanced (Developer)

Advanced tools on our platform may be necessary for merchants to meet their specific needs. These tools may be required by developers working on a site to enable sophisticated implementations. Below are some common terms that may be used by developers who need such tools.

  • Endpoint

    • An endpoint is a URL that is used to communicate with a web application or service. It is essentially a way for two applications to exchange data with one another.

  • API

    • API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a set of protocols, routines, and tools for building software applications. An API specifies how software components should interact with one another.

  • Metafields

    • Metafields are custom fields that can be added to products, orders, customers, and other objects within Shopify. They are used to store additional information beyond the standard fields provided by Shopify.

  • EventListener

    • An EventListener is a JavaScript function that is used to listen for events that occur on a webpage. When an event occurs, the function is triggered and can perform a specific action.

  • Webhook

    • A webhook is a way for an application to provide other applications with real-time information. When an event occurs in an application, a webhook sends a message to a specified URL, triggering an action in another application.

  • Rebuy.js

    • Rebuy.js is a JavaScript library that can be used to integrate Rebuy features and widgets into a website. It provides a set of pre-built functions and components that can be easily customized and integrated into a website.

  • Shopify Markets


Acronym / Term



Account Executive


Average Order Value


Add to Cart


Cost Per Click


Cost Per Order


Code Review


Click Through Rate


Conversion Rate


Frequently Bought Together


Gross Merchandise Value


Gift with Purchase


Landing Page


Merchant Success Manager


Out of Stock


Orders per Month


Product Detail Page


Post Purchase Offer


Quality Assurance


Rebuy Attributed Revenue


Rebuy Generated Revenue


Root Cause Analysis


Smart Cart App


Stock Keeping Unit


User Acceptance Testing


Work in Progress

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