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Pop-Up Best Practices

Below you’ll find a number of different use cases for your pop-ups and how to best utilize them in the e-commerce world.

Written by Nick Hein
Updated over a week ago

5 Reasons You Should Think About Using a Pop-Up

1. They’re Attention-Grabbing - No one has the patience to read anymore, which is why delivering attention-grabbing micro-messages in pop-ups are so great.

2. They Draw the Eyes to What’s Most Important - Pop-ups deliver extra value to online visitors—and they know it. So, when a pop-up appears, they’re going to immediately be drawn to that offer or value-added opportunity.

4. They Keep the Site Clean - Minimalism is important for making a website aesthetically pleasing. But if you have a special message you really want to get in front of visitors and don’t want to take up precious and limited real estate to do it, you can use pop-ups to deliver it.

5. They Increase Conversions - I mean that’s why you’re reading this article in the first place right?

The key to a good pop-up strategy is to use them in high-value situations. You don’t want every add to cart to trigger a pop-up opportunity. Instead, focus on where there is a big added value to both the consumer and to your business. Below you’ll find three use cases that are highly relevant, add value to your end consumer and most importantly will increase your conversion rate and AOV.


If you have a product that adds more value to your customer that’s a higher priced version or maybe contains a larger quantity this is the perfect time to use a pop-up to give your customer the option to add that product instead. If you can give a discount for increasing the order value that benefits the consumer even further.

The example from Roma Designer is a great way to think about an Upsell Pop-up.

Roma Designer Jewelry - Bundle and Save Pop Up

The Roma Designer Jewelry team had a sterling silver chain that was a bestseller. They had a specific goal of selling more of the gold version as they were seeing less sales of that variant. So they decided to use an Upsell Pop up to increase the AOV and to sell more of the gold variant.

There are three things that make this pop up so effective and should be considered for every pop up.

  1. The pop up has a very specific use case and is only triggered by specific products. This can be accomplished by setting the pop up criteria in the Rules Engine/Data Source

  2. The consumer gets a benefit to switching to the bundle because they get a discount on each item, and they also qualify for Free Shipping

  3. If the customer selects Upgrade, the Rebuy system automatically knows to replace the single item with the upsell.

Learn how to set up your upsell pop up here.


If your store has a large selection of products, cross-sell popups can be a good way to have your customers explore your catalogue further. The benefit is that your customer gets to learn from what other customers purchased, or from a selection of products you choose. Some common use cases include:

  • The Amazon style customer’s who bought this also bought

  • Complete the Look

  • Cross-Sell Slow Moving Inventory

  • Extra Credit: Find what products have the highest customer retention rate. Cross-sell that product, as you have a higher chance that the customer will buy from you again in the future

Print Fresh Cross-Sell Pop Up

The Print Frsh team uses social proof to help customers navigate their catalogue. Ahead of checkout the customer is served a pop-up to add any final items to their cart before checkout. In this case, they’re using their customer data, powered by Rebuy’s AI recommendation engine to identify what other customers bought based on what’s in the customer’s cart.

Three must haves when considering a cross sell pop up

  1. Make the title something that will resonate with your audience. Social proof, as seen above, will give the end consumer a sense of confidence when adding the recommended products to the cart.

  2. Give the customer the ability to scroll. Cross selling is about browsing, so if you can use a carousel of products the likelihood of an item being added to the cart goes up exponentially.

  3. Identify where in the customer flow this pop up makes the most sense. In this example it’s the last step of the customer experience. This is perfect because it doesn’t interrupt the customer’s natural shopping experience and gives a last chance to discover a product they may have missed.

Switch to Subscription

If your store sells both one-time and subscription versions of your product then a pop-up is a great way for you to have someone switch their one-time product out for a subscription product.

Just like the other use cases, this should be all about bringing the customer more value. If they can save on their order today by subscribing, why not give them the option? You’ll want to set this up on products that have a low subscriber churn rate. This way the likelihood of higher LTV is great and the likelihood of acceptance is high.

Focus on 1 to 2 hero products to utilize a switch to subscription product, or better yet, when they're about to checkout. A little bit of FOMO and urgency with a timer can easily get someone to take the subscription product over the one-time product.

Three must haves when considering a cross-sell pop up:

  1. Pick a product that has a low likelihood to churn

  2. Utilize urgency messaging and think about adding a timer to drive the switch

  3. Highlight the cost savings and benefits of a subscription. Make it obvious as to why someone should be subscribing to your product

To see more great use cases check out our Rebuy Demo Store.

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