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Create A Product Add-Ons Widget

This article will help you create a product add-on imbedded widget!

Strauss Van Wagenen avatar
Written by Strauss Van Wagenen
Updated over 10 months ago


If you have never used Rebuy, before you move forward with creating this widget we highly recommend you complete our getting started guide if you haven't already

A product add-on widget is a great way for customers to select multiple products to be added along with the main product from the product page. Typically merchants find the most success by offering items that are applicable to the main product like below and are of lesser value so that they are easy for customers to understand without having to further investigate what the product is.

Video Overview

Creating our widget

To get started please navigate to Widgets in your Rebuy Admin dashboard.

From here you will see all the most popular locations to add a widget to your online store and enhance customer experience. Below that is where you will see a list of all your other widgets you have.

To create the add-on widget please select "Product Page".

If you haven't already created some product page widgets, you'll see a menu with some prebuilt configurations, select "Create New" on the "Product Add-Ons" card. Otherwise, select "New Widget" on the top right-hand side of your screen to see the list of pre-configured options.

This quick start to this widget will start with 2 items to show and will be installed at the bottom of the product page.

Installing the widget

It is highly recommended that you test all your widgets in preview mode before setting them live to your store. We have a wonderful guide on how to use preview mode if you are unfamiliar with using it.

If you are on a Shopify 2.0 theme you will need to install this with an App Block. You can find instructions on how to do that here. Otherwise you can manually install the widget following the instructions outlined in our manual widget installation guide.

Configuring your Data Source

The Data Source is set to return AI recommendations by default. There are many more ways you can set up your Data Source to be custom tailored to you. For getting started with making your own custom Data Source we recommend getting started with our Data Sources 101 .

Customizing your widget

Now you are ready to start customizing your widget. From here you'll just need to determine what you want the language of the widget to say, where the widget is placed, and what the offers(s) will be if you don't want to use the AI. To learn more about creating recommendation rules for your new widget, check out this article. If you need help placing it after creation, use some dynamic placement! More on widget settings.

If you would like to add more styling to the widget that is not available in the widget editor we have a helpful guide for that as well!

Now that you've created your widget and set up your rules in the Data Source, go test it out! There is a "Live Mode" toggle in the widget settings, just make sure it's off, then you're ready to install and test, if it's working as expected, enable Live Mode and you're set!


  • Can a product add-on widget add only the product being shown?

    • No a product add on widget is built to add the product along with the main product. If you would like to have the widget add only that product please create a new product page cross-sell widget

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