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Smart Search | Keywords πŸ”‘
Smart Search | Keywords πŸ”‘

Create keyword groups to enhance the shopper experience and improve product discovery.

Christian Sokolowski avatar
Written by Christian Sokolowski
Updated over a week ago

Keyword Groups are helpful for merchants to boost Average Order Value (AOV) as they allow for more targeted and personalized search experiences for shoppers. By directing shoppers to specific products or groups of products based on their search terms.

Keyword groups enable merchants to highlight high-value or high-margin products, encouraging their purchase when relevant terms are searched. They can strategically suggest complementary or higher-priced items, improving the chance of upsells. By aligning search results with shopper intent, merchants boost relevance, enhancing the overall shopping experience and increasing conversion rates, ultimately raising Average Order Value.

Keyword Group Settings

You can create multiple keyword groups and assign them specific names to help you organize and manage them more effectively. It's important to note that the group name itself has no impact on how the group functions or the words contained within it. Instead, the names are purely for organizational purposes to make it easier for you to sort and maintain your keyword groups with clarity.

Step 1 - Create your keyword group

Click on the "create new" button to get started. In the modal popup make sure to give your keyword group a specific name.

Step 2 - Enter Keywords

You can enter keywords below (not case-sensitive). Rebuy will return products based on all keywords listed below for any keyword within this keyword group that a user searches. You can also modify keyword groups by entering a comma-separated list into the keyword text box.

Keyword Page Redirect

This feature enables merchants to direct users to specific pages on their site based on the keywords used in their search queries. The Keyword URL Redirect functionality will be available in both Quickview and Results page views. Here’s how to use it:

  • Access the new section titled 'Keyword Page Redirect' within Keywords > Keyword Groups. You can find it by either editing an existing keyword group or creating a new one.

  • Here, users can input a URL and toggle the redirect feature on or off at the keyword group level.

Let's consider an example of an eCommerce website selling electronic gadgets:

Suppose there's a keyword group related to "smartphones" within the Keyword Groups section. Within this group, the merchant can set up a Keyword Page Redirect. When a user searches for specific keywords like "iPhone," "Samsung Galaxy," or "Android phone," the website can automatically redirect them to a dedicated page showcasing all available smartphones.

Featured Products

Choose specific products and define display settings to be shown when shoppers search for keywords within this keyword group. Please note that featured products would always be prioritized over influence rules.

Featured Product Always First

When toggled on, products selected to be featured will always be shown first. If toggled off, featured products will be returned in the sort order specified by the user in the Sort By filter.

Show Featured Badge

When toggled on, products selected to be featured will be identified with a badge. If a selected product is in more than one keyword group, the setting chosen for the keyword group that matches the search will dictate the badge's behavior.

Feature Products

Add specific products that you want to showcase in your featured products section. Once added, you can adjust the priority with which they will be displayed in the keyword group you are configuring.

Keyword Influence

Create rules to influence the order of products returned in search results. These rules help prioritize certain products over others, ensuring that the most relevant items appear at the top of search results.

Featured products will always appear before products impacted by influence rules.

You can select from the following options:

  1. Handle: URL handle under Search Engine Listing.

  2. Name: Product name (e.g., James French Terry Short or Terry Short or Short).

  3. Description: Product description (e.g., French terry shorts).

  4. Vendor: Product vendor/brand.

  5. Option Value: Represents various options or attributes of the product.

  6. Variant Descriptions: This is not supported by Shopify at this time.

As you add influences, you can adjust the importance of each of them by changing the importance indicator. This allows you to prioritize certain influences over others, influencing the order of products returned in search results.

For the "IS" portion of rules, users can input a keyword that would be an exact match of one or more words. Regarding option values, it's better to input them one at a time rather than chaining them with commas, as using commas wouldn't guarantee the order in the query.

The "is" operator is akin to an "equals" operation in relation to the logical operators of data sources. When you create a rule such as "if name is pants," it implies an exact match with the term "pants" in the name field.

For multi-word queries, exact matches of the phrase receive higher priority. For secondary matches, the system searches for either of the query words in the name and description fields. For single-word queries, it matches against the name and description fields in a manner resembling "contains.


The "handle" in the importance indicator refers to the product URL handle that you have configured in Shopify. This handle plays a role in determining the relevance and order of products returned in search results based on the specific URLs associated with each product.


The "name" attribute refers to the title of the product as configured in Shopify. It represents the name or title of each product, which is crucial for search relevance and determining the order of products returned in search results.


The "description" attribute refers to the description of the product as configured in Shopify. It represents the textual description provided for each product, which is important for search relevance and providing detailed information to customers about the products they are searching for.


The "vendor" attribute refers to the vendor or brand of the product as configured in Shopify. It represents the manufacturer or supplier of each product, which can be useful for customers who are brand-conscious or specifically looking for products from a certain vendor.

Option Value

The "option value" attribute represents the value for the option configured in the product variants. In Shopify, products often have variants such as size, color, or material. The option value refers to the specific value associated with these product variants, which can be important for customers who are looking for specific variations of a product.


In this example, if a customer were to search for "cold brew/iced coffee/frappe/cold coffee", the "Cold Brew Cans" would appear first in the search results, followed by any products affected by the rules set. This prioritization ensures that the "Cold Brew Cans" product is displayed prominently at the top of the search results list.


Q: Is the Keyword Influencer the feature we would use to allow customers to search for specific ingredients in a supplement?

A: Yes, if the ingredient information is included in the product description, Smart Search will naturally return the corresponding supplements. Additionally, you can utilize the Keyword Influence feature to create a group to merchandise and promote certain products or connect related ingredients.

Q: Does search use product descriptions, or do we need to create Keyword Influence groups for Smart Search to return results based on product features?

A: Smart Search returns results based on product descriptions. However, you can utilize Keyword Influence rules to merchandise and promote products or connect indirectly related products.

Q: Will we also have the option of automatically returning results based on the product description fields, or does that need to be manually covered by keyword groups?

A: Smart Search natively returns products based on the product description fields.

If you have any inquiries regarding Smart Search, please feel free to send them to us via the messenger on this page along with your details. You can also check out our Smart Search FAQs documentation for more information around Smart Search capabilities.

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