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Advanced Datasources

This article will show you several examples of rulesets configured to have multiple logical operators.

Strauss Van Wagenen avatar
Written by Strauss Van Wagenen
Updated over a week ago

Rulesets With Multiple Conditions!

Now that you've got a solid understanding of the different rule types and logical operators, you can utilize the full power of the rule builder by adding multiple conditions to a Data Source!

  • The OR Statement

  • The AND Statement

How do I use these in my rules?

When creating rules, you can choose to use either of these conditions or both at the same time! Check out some example use cases below.

IF "x" OR "x" Example:

If the customer is looking at/has one of the specified items in their Cart, OR IF they are on a product page/have an item in their Cart with the specified Product Tag, the RETURN would display the specified item(s), collection, or endpoint.

IF "x" AND "x" AND"x" Example:

If the Cart Subtotal is Greater than "x" AND the date is within the specified time frame, RETURN the specified item(s), collection, or endpoint. This is a much more specific rule, commonly used in product launches or gift with purchase widgets. For more information on "Date" Rules, check out this Article.

IF "x" AND "x" Example:

Another example of (IF "x" AND "x"), but a different use case! If the customer is looking at/has an item in the cart with the specified Product Tag OR IF the item is from the "Product Vendor" RETURN the specified item(s), collection, or endpoint.

IF "x" OR "x" Example:

A simple IF "x" OR "x" use case! If the customer has a specific tag, OR if the customer was on a special landing page, RETURN the specified item(s), collection, or endpoint. Do it in a popup for extra attention!

Well, hopefully, you get the gist! There are tons and tons of ways you could chain rules together. Get creative and go try everything out! Just don't get too lost in ruleset inception. πŸ˜„

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