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EcoCart Smart Cart™ App
EcoCart Smart Cart™ App

Getting started with the EcoCart and Rebuy Integration

Christian Sokolowski avatar
Written by Christian Sokolowski
Updated over a week ago

What is EcoCart?

EcoCart is a sustainability platform that determines and compensates for the greenhouse gas emissions produced by online purchases. Its aim is to enhance online conversion rates by providing visibility into the environmental impact of orders and providing a means to counterbalance that impact. Additionally, EcoCart utilizes information about customers' sustainable actions to reconnect with them and encourage continued engagement, ultimately resulting in increased long-term value.

Integration Overview

The integration allows for a convenient and visible placement of the EcoCart incentive within the cart, ensuring that customers are aware of the environmental benefits they can enjoy by utilizing the platform. This strategic placement increases the likelihood of customers opting to offset their carbon emissions through EcoCart while completing their purchase. With Rebuy's seamless integration, this feature will be visually appealing, presented as a beautiful add-on, and contribute to enhancing the conversion rate of your store.

Installation Instructions

To begin the installation process, the initial step involves installing the EcoCart application on your Shopify store. After successfully installing the app, you will then proceed to the EcoCart dashboard to complete the necessary configuration steps. Once these configuration steps are finalized, you can proceed with enabling the app within the Smart Cart feature.

Navigate to the Rebuy administrative portal and click on the Smart Cart settings tab and choose the particular Smart Cart you wish to enable the integration on.

Navigate to the bottom of the Smart Cart page and continue scrolling until you reach the Apps section. Look for the EcoCart app within this section. Once you locate it, decide where you want the app to be displayed in the cart.

You have the flexibility to choose from three placement options: below the checkout, below the subtotal, or above the subtotal. Furthermore, you have the option to display the EcoCart app exclusively when there are items in the cart or to show it regardless of whether there are items in the cart or not.

Feel free to modify the placement according to your preferences.

After determining the desired location for the EcoCart app within the cart, proceed to toggle the app on and save the settings within the Smart Cart interface. Once the changes are saved, you will have the option to preview or view the app on your website, depending on whether the Smart Cart you are configuring is currently live or not.


Be sure to keep an eye out for more Rebuy integration features on the way.

If you have more questions, please reach out to support!

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