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Smart Search | Reporting Dashboard
Smart Search | Reporting Dashboard

Performance outcomes to aid in making data-driven decisions.

Christian Sokolowski avatar
Written by Christian Sokolowski
Updated over 5 months ago

Our Smart Search performance dashboard incorporates extensive metrics that assist merchants in comprehending and deciphering crucial performance indicators, such as keyword groups, featured products, and influence rules. These metrics empower merchants to guide shoppers towards specific products or product groups for particular searches.

Example of Search Analytics Image

You have the option to designate specific reporting periods to assess the performance of Rebuy Smart Search, either through out-of-the-box settings or custom timeframes.

Important Notes

The Smart Search dashboard metrics accumulate and process in real time, enabling you to stay up to date with your performance instantly. This means you can access and analyze the latest data to make informed decisions and adjustments as needed.

The Smart Search metrics are also included in the widget analytics under the main reporting section and contribute to your dashboard metrics. It's important to note that while the widget analytics update in real time, the dashboard metrics are refreshed only once every 24 hours. This ensures you have access to both real-time insights and comprehensive daily metrics to track and analyze your performance effectively.

Smart Search Metric Glossary

This glossary will outline the meaning of each analytic metric, enabling you to make informed decisions regarding your search settings.

At a Glance



Search Revenue

When a customer interacts with Smart Search and adds an item to the cart, the revenue generated from that purchase is attributed to Smart Search. This means that any item added to the cart directly from the search results page, quick view, or from the product detail page (PDP) after using search will count towards Smart Search RGR.

Example Scenario:

  • Customer Searches: The customer enters "tee" into the search bar.

  • Search Results: The customer clicks on the "blue tee" product in the search results.

  • Adding to Cart: The customer adds the "blue tee" product to the cart.

  • Attribution: Rebuy adds hidden line item properties to capture the Smart Search attribution and the source from where the item was added to the cart (Quick View, Results Page, Product Page). When the "blue tee" is purchased, the revenue generated from that purchase is attributed to Smart Search

# of Searches

# searches all customers made

  • Each search per customer counts as 1

  • If user A searches for “tee” and then “ball”, that would count as 2 searches

Sessions with Search

% of sessions searching

  • If user A searches for “tee” and then “ball”, and user B searches for “tee”, that would count as 2 sessions

  • If there were 100 total search sessions, the % of sessions with search would be 2%

Note: The Search Dashboard is powered by analytic events, which depend on the client browser sending tracking data. This can occasionally lead to incomplete data if events aren’t sent reliably. In contrast, the Widget Report uses line item attribution for search, ensuring 100% accuracy. Due to this, always rely on the revenue tracking on the Widget Report.

Top Searches




Revenue ($) associated with the term “tee”


How many times (#) term “tee” was searched

CR (Conversion Rate)

From the number of searches for “tee”, what % of products presented from the term’s search results were purchased

Add to Cart

% of products added to the cart as a result of searching for “tee”

  • Product could be added to cart from list page or PDP

Rev (Revenue) Per User

Revenue ($) divided by # of unique users who searched for “tee”

Exit Events

If user searches “tee” and search results are presented, but user has no further action after that, that will count as 1 event

  • Divide exit events by # of users/sessions to get % exit events

  • If a user searches for “tee”, and changes their search to “ball”, that will not count as an exit event


How many times a user views a product page from a search results page:

  • There were 10 searches for “tee”, if a user clicks on a “blue tee” product, that increases the clickthrough to 1

  • 1 clickthrough out of 10 searches results in a clickthrough rate of 10%

Top Products




How frequently a product gets returned by a search, and displayed to a customer:

  • If user searches for “tee”/“blue”/”blue tee”, and “blue tee” appears in search results for the 3 separate searches, that would count as 3 impressions

  • If search results show 3 pages but a user only views the first page of results, impressions would only count all the products shown in that first page


A product from search results was viewed 100 times, but only 10 users clicked on the product, the clickthrough rate for the product is 10%

  • Based on # of impressions

Add to Cart

From the number of times the product was viewed, what % were added to cart

  • Product could be added to cart from list page or PDP


Revenue ($) associated with the product

Rev (Revenue) Per User

Revenue ($) divided by # of unique users who purchased the product

CR (Conversion Rate)

From the number of times the product was viewed, what % were purchased


(in Variant Sales Data)

# of times the product variant was purchased


(in Variant Sales Data)

Revenue ($) associated with the product variant

% of Total

(in Variant Sales Data)

% of product variant purchased out of all of the product’s variants

No Results




# of times the term with no results was searched for





# of times the filter was selected/used


(in Top Values for Filter)

# of times the user utilized the specific attribute of a specific filter on the merchant site

% of Total

(in Top Values for Filter)

% of specific attribute count out of all of the filter’s attributes


Q: How often do the Smart Search metrics update on the Smart Search dashboard?

A: The Smart Search dashboard metrics accumulate and process in real time.

Q: How does Smart Search attribution work?

A: When a customer interacts with Smart Search and adds an item to the cart, the revenue generated from that purchase is attributed to Smart Search. This means that any item added to the cart directly from the search results page, quick view, or from the product detail page (PDP) after using search will count towards Smart Search RGR.

More questions? Checkout our Smart Search FAQ document for some frequently asked questions. If you don't see your answers there, please feel free to send them to us via the messenger on this page along with your details

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