How current is the reporting data?
The Sales, Orders & AOV section of the Performance Report has a 24-hour processing window. All other data on the Reports dashboard page such as "Sales Attribution by Type" and "Sales Attribution by Widget" is real-time data.
What timezone are reports generated in?
The reports reflect the merchant's timezone configured in Shopify, which is derived from the "iana_timezone" field in the "shopify_shop_data" admin data of the store on Shopify. Both web and exports use the same timezone.
What does the "Discounts" metric refer to for Sales Attribution by Widget?
The "Discounts" metric refers to the product's original price in Shopify minus its final price in the Shopify Order, therefore reflecting the difference in price (after any discounts are applied). NOTE: This metric will include discounts from various sources, not just those attributed to the Rebuy widget. For example, the customer may have also applied a Discount Code to their entire order.
Are refunds included in the Performance Report?
The dashboard for aggregating reports and the end-of-quarter Report Engine-based reports take into account the refunds. The billable RGR is derived from the data aggregation, meaning that payment for refunded orders should no longer be made.
How do the attributions work?
The “product discovery” attribution window is activated only when a customer clicks on a product to view the product detail page from a Rebuy widget, which may be through the Smart Cart’s cross-selling feature or a product page widget for example. Once the customer clicks, Rebuy sets a cookie for a 24 hour attribution window. After 24 hours the cookie expires and is removed. If the customer adds the product to their cart during the attribution window, Rebuy will include hidden line item properties for “product discovery” attribution and the Widget ID, allowing you to track the recommendation’s source.
Example 1 - YES Attribution
If you tap a product displayed through a Rebuy widget, the 24 hour attribution window is started. You will then land on the product detail page where you can learn more about the product. If you then add the product to the cart, Rebuy will add the hidden line item properties to the item for tracking.
Example 2 - NO Attribution
If you tap a product displayed through a Rebuy widget, the 24 hour attribution window is started. You will then land on the product detail page where you can learn more about the product. If you decide to think about the purchase and come back the following day (24 hours or later) and add the product to the cart, Rebuy will NOT add any hidden line item properties to the item.
Once line item properties are added to a cart item they are never removed. So if an item is added to the cart during the attribution window, the item will have the hidden properties. If the customer then waits two days before purchasing their cart, the product discovery sourced item will still have the hidden properties and the purchased item will show up in your reporting.
Does Smart Cart Attributions contribute to RGR?
No, Smart Cart Attributions do not contribute to Rebuy Generated Revenue. You can read more about those attributes in the Smart Cart Attributions doc.
Is Rebuy attribution cookie-based?
No, Rebuy attribution is not cookie-based. It relies on line item properties on each product.
How long does a product with Rebuy attribution stay in a customer's cart?
The duration a product stays in a customer's cart is determined by the browser's caching mechanism. All products, regardless of Rebuy attribution can remain in the cart unless the customer clears their browser cache or deletes those items.
Does a product's Rebuy attribution persist through browser updates or cache clearing?
A product's Rebuy attribution will persist in a customer's cart unless the customer actively clears their browser cache. Browser updates do not automatically clear cache, so the attribution remains as long as the product is in the cart.
How does Rebuy attribution work with subscription products?
When a customer switches to a subscription through Rebuy, all future subscription renewals will continue to be attributed to Rebuy.
What happens when a subscription renews?
The same item (including any line item properties) is renewed automatically.
Even if the original widget is deleted or the Switch to Subscription feature in Smart Cart is toggled off, Rebuy will still be credited for the renewed subscription orders.
Will I see Rebuy attribution in their reporting if a product sits in a cart for a long time before checkout?
Yes, you will see the Rebuy attribution in the reporting analytics even if the product has been in a customer's cart for an extended period. As long as the product is active and in stock at the time of checkout, the attribution will be reflected in the reporting.
How does attribution work if a customer interacts with multiple widgets before adding an item to the cart?
Attribution is based on the last Rebuy attributable feature that influences the addition of an item to the cart. If a customer interacts with multiple widgets, the last one they engage with before adding the item to the cart will receive attribution credit.
Example: In a scenario where a customer searches for a product, then goes to the product detail page (PDP) and adds the product through a bundle instead, what attribution will be assigned?
In this case, if the customer adds the product through a bundle after being directed from a search result, the attribution will be assigned to the bundle widget, overriding the Smart Search attribution. While the search actions and clickthrough will register to the Search analytics, neither an Add-to-Cart (ATC) nor conversion will register in those metrics.
Can a single line item have multiple attributions?
No, only one attribution is assigned to a single line item. The final value of the _attribution attribute determines the allocated attribution.
How can we test attribution behavior?
You can replicate different scenarios in your test store and then view cart.js to see which attributions are currently set, without needing to complete the checkout process. If you are testing on a development store then you can view the attributions in the order details as outlined above.