STEP 1 | Create a Post Purchase Widget

Learn how to build and customize a post purchase widget

Strauss Van Wagenen avatar
Written by Strauss Van Wagenen
Updated over a week ago


Rebuy offers Post-Purchase solutions that differ greatly from Shopify and Recharge's Thank You pages. These offers are presented right before the customer checks out, after they have already bought a product.

  • Setting up is simpler than Thank You Pages.

  • Data source functionality is comprehensive.

  • The option for free shipping is available.

  • Styles cannot be altered as with Thank You Pages.

This new Post-Purchase offer has certain limitations, which are in part due to it being new and will become more extensive in the future. Additionally, Shopify has imposed intentional limitations on checkout and Post-purchase pages. If you desire any of the above features on your post purchase page, please consider using our Thank You Page widgets.

In this article you will learn how to build a post purchase widget which is the first step in getting it live. You will also need to build a flow and enable Rebuy as your post purchase provider in Shopify.

First things first! Please read over the following documents to ensure you know all there is about port purchase and it's capabilities, definitions, best practices, and limitations.


This step by step video will walk you through how to set up a post purchase widget, post purchase flow, and how to enable Rebuy as your post purchase provider in Shopify.


Navigate to Rebuy admin, select post purchase on the side navigation bar and click the post purchase widgets tab.

Once you are in the post purchase widgets tab, click "New Widget" to create a new Post Purchase Offer.


Once the widget is created, you have the authority to customize the recommendation displayed in the Data Source, how long the customer has to accept the offer, the language of the widget discounts, and much more!

In order to change what Products are recommended, click the "Data Source" text above the widget preview:

You can use the dropdown to select a different data source if you wish to modify the recommendation rules and decide which items should be recommended. If you need more insight to data sources checkout more articles here.

Post Purchase does NOT support the following data source rules:

  • Cart Based Rules

    • Exceptions: Cart Subtotal, Cart Line Count and Cart Item count will work

  • Recently Viewed Endpoint

  • Buy it Again Endpoint

  • Products Search Endpoint

  • URL Based Rules


Head over to the "Building a Post Purchase Flow" article.


Head over to the "Enabling Rebuy Post Purchase Offers In Your Shopify Admin" article.

Once you have your widget built, the flow enabled, and Rebuy configured as your post purchase provider in Shopify, you are LIVE!!

While not necessary, you can visit the widget page and mark your widgets as "installed" so that you know which ones you are using. This is not required, as the widgets will be live once you have them set up, activated the flows and Shopify admin settings as outlined above.



If you would like, you can display up to two products for each offer. The widget is set to show a single product by default, however you can change this in the general settings within the widget under the "product limit" area.

If you have the product limit set to 2, then you will see two products on the offer such as the following example.

If you have the product limit set to 2 and the customer chooses to accept or decline the offer, it will remain on the same page until they choose to accept or decline the second offer on the page.


You have the option to modify the default language for translating your post-purchase experience. While Shopify's restrictions prevent merchants from directly changing these global texts, you can handle the translation process yourself. Additionally, you can customize the text displayed on the buttons to align more closely with your brand identity.

In the post-purchase offer, you have the ability to modify the following items:

Description Button Success Button Decline Total Text Tax Text Shipping Text Subtotal Text Recurring Subtotal Text Quantity Text Not Available Text Discount Savings Free


One option is to set your recommendation to only permit a single quantity by default. However, if you wish to grant customers the ability to increase their quantity, you may activate the quantity feature after purchase. Enabling this feature will automatically set the starting quantity to 2, but you have the flexibility to adjust both the starting quantity and the maximum quantity to your desired settings.


Rebuy's default setting is to show variant selectors for your recommended product(s). However, if you prefer to restrict customers to purchasing only one variant, you can deactivate the variant selector. This will prevent the customer from modifying the variant.


You can customize the existing elements of the widget, like the Callout Banner, in the Blocks tab of the widget settings. Additionally, you can add more elements like images, timers, and extra text blocks.

Currently, you cannot utilize custom CSS to modify elements beyond what's available within the widget settings.


Using the Discount tab, you have the ability to offer a discount on your item by either selecting a percentage discount or a fixed amount discount.

Additionally, the "Compare Price with" dropdown enables you to choose whether to show the price of the item or the Compare at price that you have set up for the product in Shopify.

Note: The product will always be discounted from the price as it exists in Shopify. Selecting the "Compare at Price" option will display the Compare at Price in the Post Purchase Offer but the discount itself is still based off of the sale price, not the Compare at Price.

​Note: If you return subscription products in the widget, a different discount section (One-time discount for Subscription) will appear under the "Discounting" tab. This discount will be applied to your first subscription order, and after that, it will automatically switch back to the regular subscription price for your next order depending on the subscription frequency.


You can customize a shipping rate specifically for the item featured in the widget by using the "Shipping Fee for Onetime" section of the Discount tab. Remember, these settings will only affect the item in the widget, so choosing "Free" shipping here will not make the whole order free of shipping charges.


There have been times where Shopify will release post purchase orders when the customer's payment information is not valid or updated thus leaving you with a partially paid order. This system we built will remove line item from partial order if the customer did not update to a new payment method after 30 minutes. You can enable it by navigating to widgets > post purchase widget > advanced.


To view your post purchase analytics, click the view analytics button within the widget or go to the reports section to customize your timeframe. The button defaults to a 30 day report.


Checkout our article that outlines the post purchase limitations

Post Purchase does NOT support the following data source rules:

  • Cart Based Rules

    • Exceptions: Cart Subtotal, Cart Line Count and Cart Item count will work

  • Recently Viewed Endpoint

  • Buy it Again Endpoint

  • Products Search Endpoint

  • URL Based Rules

  • Shopify Bundle items cannot be returned (Shopify Limitation)

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