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Product Page Best Practices

Optimize your PDPs to boost conversion rate and AOV

Dante Maxwell avatar
Written by Dante Maxwell
Updated over a week ago

The Product Page, sometimes called the Product Details Page or PDP, is an important part of the customer journey. Through our work with top Shopify brands and our analysis of thousands of online stores, we have identified the top 5 ways to optimize your PDP for key e-commerce metrics like conversion, average order value, and return on ad spend.

1. Personalize the experience

Savvy personalization of the customer journey can raise revenue by up to 15%. That’s why the top e-commerce companies invest so heavily in technologies that create smart product recommendations and intelligent shopping experiences.

One way that online merchants are mitigating the higher cost of ads is to work with influencers and use the data generated from influencer marketing in their retargeting campaigns. This strategy to maximize return on ad spend (ROAS) can be taken further by adding more personalization to your PDPs during these campaigns. Shopify's Research shows that 97% of marketers consider Instagram the most important influencer marketing channel. Display copy or language in your Rebuy widgets that acknowledges the customer's journey from their Instagram feed or favorite YouTube channel to your Product Page. Use a URL/UTM-Based Rule for this:

You can also change the language or copy in your Rebuy widgets dynamically to acknowledge your customers by name when they’re logged into their customer account or when they're revisiting a shop they’ve already placed an order on. This concept can be applied to acknowledging the product name associated with the PDP dynamically using Data Sources as well.

2. Emphasize the call to action

The “Add to cart” button will be your PDP’s primary call to action and is what will move the customer on to the next stage in your conversion funnel. Make sure your “Add to cart” button is visible throughout your customers’ product discovery process. If your customers are required to scroll past the “Add to cart” button in learning more about the product, consider using a Shopify theme with a “Sticky add-to-cart” feature.

Most Rebuy Widget types include strong calls to action already. How a specific Rebuy Widget design type displays or interacts with the PDP’s “Add to cart” button is something to consider when deciding what Product Page Widget design to use i.e. Product Add Ons versus Compete-the-look.

Consider the placement of your calls to action in the context of your conversion funnel and ensure that the flow is designed to lead a customer towards responding. Leverage dynamic placement or the ease of Shopify themes that include their Online Store 2.0 technology to fine tune the placement of your Rebuy widgets on PDPs so that they don’t interfere with that flow but optimize it for conversion.

Example of different calls to action in different Rebuy Widget designs:

Product Add Ons


3. Merchandise with social proof

Make it easy for customers to give their opinions and include customer reviews on Product Pages to leverage social proof. Star ratings, testimonials, and other user generated content help customers identify trustworthy products and merchants. It’s a best practice to include 5-10 reviews on a product page. Rebuy integrates directly with many review platforms including Yotpo, Okendo,, Loox, Stamped, Opinew, and Junip to embed star reviews along with our product recommendations so customers can be aware of your hard-earned social proof all the way through to checkout.

Customer testimonials are one of the most valuable conversion assets on your PDP. Incorporate them into your Rebuy widget language whenever appropriate.

4. Maximize impressions

Being seen can sometimes be more important than being clicked, and the more often customers are shown a suitable product, the more likely they are to purchase it. Sunshine Sisters is a great example of this. They use a Product Page Popup Cross Sell Widget to trigger a special offer when a customer adds the product from the PDP to their cart. The same offer is shown a second time in a Pre-Purchase Popup Cross Sell via the Smart Cart when the customer clicks the checkout button. The second impression has a conversion rate of over 2x compared to the first. Be sure to check out our Popup Best Practices guide as well.

Make it easy for customers to add recently viewed products to their cart without having to navigate backwards through their journey by including a Standard Product Page Recommendations Widget displaying Rebuy’s Recently Viewed Products Endpoint:

5. Incentivize Higher Order Values

Product bundles is a proven way to increase average order value. Shopify's Podcast showcases a merchant that doubled their AOV by introducing bundles. is a great example of use case for a dynamic bundle on the PDP to offer the customer a discount while still increasing the order value. We've published a whole other Best Practices guide for Product Bundles as well so be sure to check it out!

In summary, we recommend a minimum of 3 widgets on the Product Page. 2 or more visible product recommendations widgets above the fold i.e. before a customer has to scroll down on a desktop view or within view of the PDP's native Add-to-cart button, and a recently viewed carousel near the footer.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with Rebuy’s Widget Types and How to Use them to help you decide on the most appropriate widget types to optimize your Product Pages for increased conversion and AOV.

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